Saturday, February 3, 2007

If it's February 3rd

It means I haven't posted on here for 13 days. In this case I can't say that tie flew while I was having fun, I wasn't. I have had a lingering cold or flu (or whatever it is) for all of those 13 days. I swear I don't recall ever feeling so lousy for so long but then Patti says I say that everytime I get a cold. Suficise it to say I'm not yet over it completely but at least I can now get a pretty good night's sleep.

Molly Ivins died a couple of days ago. Those of you who never heard her or read her books missed one of the smartest and funniestwomen of our time. One of the eulogies that were wrttien about her called her "an acerbic satirist in the vein of Mark Twain." Nobody could describe George Bush as perfectly as she could. I will miss her wit and the style she brought to politics.

I've been watching the Democratic National Committee Annual Meeting on CSPN the last couple of days (It beats the hell out of watching a bunch of talking heads talking endlessly about the Super Bowl Game between the Colts and the Bears coming up tomorrow (finally). (BTW, I've pretty well burned out on both Pro Football and Pro Basketball, I'll stick the the pro's that don't get paid, the college games.)
Back to the DNC meeting, I've heard the speeches of 4 of the 8 declared '08 Pres. candidates . My opinions of any of them has not been changed. I can't see any possility that I would vote for a Repub over any one of the Dems. John Edwards is still my favorite. Barrack Obama was probably the best speaker at this event. He talks a lot in image and vision, which may well get him a long way but I like the way Edwards uses a language about issues that I can relate to.

I'm home alone today (I decided not to go to the BB game in Helix so Patti rode with Carol MacInnes) so I may come back and add some more to this later.

Just got a call from Patti. She reports that the Boy's lost by 3 points but that Russell had a good game. It's too bad they lost but it's a little relief for Patti and I that they will be ending the season a little sooner now. It has been a disappointing season for them, they really expected to compete for first in the League but it just didn't happen. Russell, though, really had a successful season and got lots of good experience. He began the season as a starter on the JV team and, though he suited up for varsity games didn't play too much in the first few games. After a few games he was still playing JV but was also getting increasing minutes in the varsity games. Then he graduated for a few games where he was just playing few minutes in the jv games and in all four quarters of the varsity. About 5 games ago he started in place of the senior he had been relieving and he has been a starter every since. He has been averaging about 8-10 points per game since he has been starting but once , against Arlington, he was high point scorer for the game with 14 points. Next year they are expecting big things from him and I have an idea he will deliver. Now Baseball starts in about two weeks.

Well, I was going to write about the Dems in congress and this "Non-binding Resolution against the war" they are probably going to pass. But I think that's going to have to wait. In the meantime --

It's time to bring and end to Bush's god damn war!

Peace be with you!

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