Sunday, September 16, 2007

Have you ever wondered

what it's like to live in George Bush's world? I don't know where that world is or how many people live there (though I understand the population is decreasing). I do, though, know a little bit about what life is like in Boy George's world because I see it a lot on TV and a lot of people in TV land also seem to live there.

IN BG's (that's GB backwards ) world everything is black and white, unless, of course, you are very rich -- because then the world is rose colored. BG's life has been filled with failures, but in his world failure doesn't have the same meaning as it does for other folks. Failure in BG's world just means somebody else fixing it.

As a kid he went to a private school for very rich kids but he couldn't get good enough grades to get into an Ivy League School where rich kids go so his daddy got him into one. And then when he didn't get good enough grades in college to get into a prestigious grad school (also Ivy League) his daddy fixed it again.

Then, possessing an MBAwh (without honors) from Harvard and a ton of money from his mommy and daddy he set about starting an oil company in Texas. Even with all that money he failed spectacularly so his daddy's friends bailed him out (and gave him another job -- and a new company). Using the lessons learned from his first effort BG he lost their money too.

But not to worry, daddy's friends again came to the rescue by giving him a job in the management of a baseball team (a losing team of course). In fact daddy's friends were so thrilled with his job skills they gave him part ownership of the team -- and sent him around town giving speechs to local Lions Clubs and Chambers of Commerce groups. This was probably the only job he ever had at which he didn't fail, and because he didn't fail the citizens of Dallas (Arlington) Texas are still paying for a losing team but now the team is playing in a big fancy stadium that the taxpayers are and will be paying for for many years to come.

And because of his great selling job he was paid an extra several million dollars and encouraged to run for governor. Daddy was very proud!

(to be continued)

Before I get to "the rest of the story" (in future entries) let me warn you that, as for the rest of us who don't live in BG's world, this story has a good ending.


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