Sunday, April 27, 2008

We do not torture,

so say George(the lying bastard) Bush. It's just beyond me how anyone can take the word of this lying s.o.b. And yet now we are to believe that he should be trusted to continue to determine our future as a nation for the next nine months. When, if ever, will he ever be held accountable for any of his actions? Jeremiah Wright, an honest man and a great preacher had it exactly right when he said "God Damn the United States" because he was talking about the nations leaders who have have so often lied and misled us into shameful actions. He was not talking about the American people who would not commit such depraved acts if they had a choice. Of course the corporate controlled media will always go along with voice of the powerful over the voice of the powerless. I say "God Damn George Bush!"

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