Sunday, April 1, 2007

"I understand..." (I don't have a clue)

"Make no mistake about it, I understand how tough it is, sir. I talk to families who die." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 2006

I wonder if anyone has ever counted how many times George Bush has used the term "I understand" in response to questions posed by news media? If you listen and watch closely it most always means he doesn't have a clue. It really means he doesn't believe or accept the premise of whatever the question happens to be about. That means he has to use the phrase repeatedly.
In the context of the statement quoted above, GB doesn't have a clue how "tough" it is. He may, on a rare occasion or in the midst of a photo op "talk" to someone who really knows "how tough it is" but he certainly doesn't listen to them. He's too busy thinking about himself to be able to hear anything else.

They have a word for GB's dumb statements, thay call them "Bushisms." You can find them updated and archived at
They show how GB's mind works, or doesn't work. More importantly I believe they show how dangerous it is to put a person of his lack of intelect and thought in a position where he has so much power. They show why we have good reason to be mad as hell.
It's time to end this god damned war!

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