Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's a good day when

you can do something nice to help someone who you will never meet.

I first heard about KIVA (see link on left side of this page) on a program on LINK TV. It is a program to enable people like Patti and I to make small loans to people who have or want to start a small business in their community. I recommend you check it out. So far we have "invested" only $25 but that's $25 more than we have ever invested in something like this before. Our money is going to a mother of six children who has a clothing shop in Benin City, Nigeria. She is borrowing $500 to buy more clothing to seel. Including our measly $25, she only needs $50 more to fulfill her loan. I know she will get it and we thank God we can help her in our small way.

It is our goal to raise our total investment "portfolio" to $100, which means we will make at least three more $25 "loans." The as loans are repaid we will always reinvest. What a great program. Please check it out!

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