Thursday, January 4, 2007

Beginning Again!

Maybe the third time will be "the charm." I had a previous blog that I let kind of drift away and now find I can't get back into it because I have changed email addresses. After a couple weeks of trying to get things straightened but having no luck I decided to just give up and start anew.
As stated my interests are varied but I will mostly be sharing my thoughts on politics and the church (I go to my woodworking shop when I get stressed out or just want to think about something else).
I really have a lot to learn about doing this. Trying to figure out how to add links, up load photos, etc.
Just to let you know, my politics and theology are both liberal. My politics are based on my Christian faith but I can also say that my faith is also influenced by politics. One does not have to share my faith to share my politics.
The name of this blog is rather misleading because I'm not disciplined enough to do this everyday but my goal is to post 4 or 5 times a week and to keep up with currrent events. At times I may have to discuss how my favorite (only) grandson is doing. He is 15 years old, a sophomore, plays high school football, basketball, and baseball, is a straight A student who is already taking college math courses because he has completed all that are available in our local school system. He is on the varsity basketball team (scored 9 points in last night's game against Helix) and has been on Little League and Babe Ruth All Star teams every year he has played (he's a pitcher). That's probably more info than you wanted but he's an amazing young man.

Enough for now.
Keep the Peace -- and Let's stop this god damned war!!!

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