Monday, January 15, 2007

Better late than

whenever. I'm still working on developing the discipline to dally daily here but, as you can see, my dally discipline is rarely done daily these days. (I love alliteration!)

"Our lives begin to end when we become silent about the things that matter." That's a quote from Martin Luther King Jr that hangs on the wall in my office. I've been looking at it as I reflect on what I might post here on King's Birthday. I remember when King was alive. I was in the Navy stationed in Hawaii at the time he was assassinated. I was in 28 years old at the time. I guess I've always felt a kinship with underdogs and, though I had had minimal contact with segregation in the Navy or while growing up in Oregon, I had the feeling Dr. King was doing something good to make this a better country. I also remember following the coverage of his assassination and becoming more aware of the racial divide that existed not only in the country but in the small world I was a part of.

It was the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy that the issues of racial and economic inequality came into focus for me. It was the time I began to question the status quo and my own willingness to remain silent "about the things that matter."

The change was not instantaneous but cumulative, small experiences began to add up, and it would lead me to a place where I am happier with myself but often discouraged that necessary changes to bring about a more just world are inevitable. I just have to keep telling myself, "One step and one day at a time."

I will continue to describe my faith and political journey in future posts.

All that being said, It's time to Speak out, Act up, and Stop the god damn War!

Peace be with you!

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